Anupam Kher arrived in Prayagraj to partake in the ongoing Mahakumbh Mela. The actor shared a video on social media, capturing his holy dip at Triveni Sangam. In the footage, he is seen chanting ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was celebrated at a "MAHA" inaugural ball Jan. 20, 2025, where Miss America Abbie Stockard wore a custom "Make America Healthy Again" gown.
Matt Oakley of Nashville, Tennessee, posted a clip of the moment on TikTok. The footage shows a man standing in the front of the plane belting out Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the ...
"Real Housewives of New York" star Jill Zarin weighed in on Hollywood's political climate more than one year after the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack in Israel.
Anupam Kher shared a glimpse of his holy dip as he chanted mantras while offering his prayers to the god in Triveni Sangam at ...