Choreographer James Kudelka describes Passion as having three parts: two couples and the Corps de Ballet. He developed each ...
There is such a thing as being so faithful to the original material that one might as well have stayed at home and ploughed ...
An international company of multi-cultural fools from Italy, France, Ireland, Ukraine, Spain, USA, and Canada will come to ...
Beryl Cook was a British artist best known for her original and instantly recognisable paintings. Often comical, they ...
These short pieces are, I take it, meant to add up to an overall narrative about light overcoming the dark. Maria is clearly ...
There’s an interesting, playful and ever-shifting dynamic between the comedy and tragedy masks of theatre in this play, which ...
So by the end of the evening, it feels something closer to light entertainment than a groundbreaking piece of live art.
Couples bicker. Well, some of them do. There’s nothing new in that. Here, there’s talk of, quite literally, going to the Moon, almost as though it were as easy as a transatlantic flight.
Blackeyed Theatre specialises in touring theatre the length and breadth of England and Wales, the present production of Dracula having started recently in Harrogate, and ending in Scarborough in ...
Importantly, there is a satisfying ending and an excellent final line, which was given a warm round of applause.