Before the break, China announced the most aggressive stimulus measures since the pandemic and the CSI300 gained 25% over ...
On Japan’s chipmaking materials and the analog sector, Berenstein maintained a neutral stance, with materials set to face ... Most Asian markets fell on Tuesday, tracking overnight weakness in Wall Street as strength in the U.S. job ... Oil prices fell in Asian trade on Tuesday, retreating after persistent concerns over a worsening conflict in ...
Google on Monday vowed to appeal a U.S. judge's ruling that forces the tech giant to offer alternatives to its Google Play ...
The South Korean conglomerate said it expects operating profit for the quarter to September 30 of about 9.10 trillion won ($6 ...
In the United States, a candidate becomes president not by winning a majority of the national popular vote but through a ... Oil prices climbed strongly Monday, extending recent gains on fears on a wider Middle East war. At 08:20 ET ...
The risks of a spike in crude oil prices have increased, as per analysts at BCA Research. While BCA maintains a cyclical ...
随着西方对俄罗斯的制裁加速了去美元化的趋势,世界似乎正日益走向多极化的未来。据一家智库称, 随着金砖国家考虑使用“石油元”进行石油结算,世界秩序可能很快就会发生重大变化。 浙江大学高级研究员、国际清算银行前高级经济学家Herbert ...
股指:长假期间(10.2-10.4)港股主要指数全面普涨,其中恒生指数累计上涨7.59%,恒生科技累计上涨10.00%,风格方面,Beta弹性更大的成长科技股更为抢眼。从其他中国权益资产相关标的来看,长假期间也同样较为强势。MSCI中国成长(美元)累 ...
這個假期除了已經提前漲停的中國股市引來萬眾矚目,另一個熱點品種恐怕就是原油了。隨着10月1日伊朗向以色列發射了200枚導彈,中東局勢迅速升溫,這個國慶假期油價再次大漲,短短4個交易日布倫特原油從70美元附近一度大漲超9美元,連續第三年油價在我國國慶假 ...