Beekeeping classes and events are designed to help professionals and homeowners support and keep bees. They are also for bee owners and those who raise bees for honey production.
Waseca County 4-H Ambassadors is a fun, engaging group of teen leaders who represent and advocate for positive youth learning experiences and opportunities through the 4-H youth development program.
Join us on Oct. 6 for the 4-H open house and achievement night. “Above & Beyond” winners will be awarded, Champion General Projects not awarded during the Benton County Fair will be distributed and ...
COMET (Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory) is a two-hour interactive training that teaches participants how to reach out in a meaningful, respectful and supportive way to friends, co-workers ...
This is an exploratory learning experience for all youth in grades K–13. The Cloverbuds (youth in grades K-2) will have have a separate track. An adult helper is encouraged to assist the Cloverbuds.
Amur maple is a MDA Specially Regulated Plant in Minnesota. Sellers must affix a label that advises buyers to only plant Amur maple and its cultivars in landscapes where the seedlings will be ...
Common barberry is a MDA Prohibited noxious weed (Control List). Common barberry grows in a variety of conditions; found in dense woods, pastures, roadsides and other disturbed areas. It has ...
Workshops, webinars and other learning opportunities for horse owners and equine professionals. Horse certificate courses are self-paced on a specific topic, such as nutrition or manure management.
Are you a beginning fruit and vegetable farmer looking to improve efficiency, safety, and the quality of your fresh produce? Take advantage of new grants from the MDA to purchase infrastructure and ...
Morel mushrooms are prized for culinary uses. Morels usually emerge in the spring in woodlands after adequate rainfall. When harvesting, pinch or cut the stem just above the soil to leave the base of ...
Come try out some sweet science and engineering activities with chocolate as our guide. Youth and adults are invited to a STEM PDC (Project Development Committee) kickoff event with hands-on chocolaty ...
Crow Wing Soil and Water CCMI intern Nigel Pennington-Flax will talk about common invasive plants in Minnesota and what to do about them. You can attend in person or on Zoom. University of Minnesota ...