October is Dia da Paz in Mozambique. Celebrating the anniversary of the peace signed in Rome in 1992, on the day dedicated to ...
Thank you, Pope Francis!’ It was the feeling of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Belgium, on the occasion of Pope Francis' ...
No one can remain indifferent to the increasingly rapid development of artificial intelligence, which offers great ...
Imagine Peace, towards the Final Ceremony from the Place Notre-Dame ...
More than 150 religious and political leaders from diverse backgrounds convened in Paris for Sant’Egidio’s International ...
How can religions resist evil? This was the question that animated a discussion led by the theologian Armand Puig I Tarrech.
Imagine Peace, texts and photos to learn more about or re-live the Paris Meeting online ...
Remembrance of the dedication of the Primavalle "chapel"; the first place of prayer of the community of Sant'Egidio in the ...
The Community of Sant'Egidio is a worldwide movement of lay people, based on prayer, solidarity, ecumenism, dialogue. Keep peace and fight poverty with us!
Sabato 5 ottobre le Comunità di Sant'Egidio di Goma, Bukavu ed Uvira, nelle provincie del nord e nel sud Kivu, nella ...
«L'apertura di Tajani sulla cittadinanza è un piccolo passo, ma non facciamocelo scappare: muove le acque ed è una base di ...
Sabato 5 ottobre le Comunità di Sant'Egidio di Goma, Bukavu ed Uvira, nelle provincie del nord e nel sud Kivu, nella ...