Since the “Zeitenwende”, the shape of Switzerland’s neutrality has once again become a controversial subject domestically.
The risk and resilience reports provide a focused discussion of aspects of security risks and vulnerabilities, risk analysis and management, emergency preparedness, and crisis management – often with ...
The ETH Workshop on Military Doctrines after 2014 discussed different factors that currently influence debates about military doctrines: The end of the war in Afghanistan; the conflict between the ...
UN peace missions, which include peacekeeping operations, special political missions, and good offices engagements, are the main instrument of the UN to promote peace around the world. They are ...
On 11 December, the CSS held an Evening Talk on the topic of “The Swiss OSCE Chairmanship 2014.” The speakers were Ambassador Heidi Grau, head of the OSCE Task Force at the Swiss Foreign Ministry, and ...
This report answers this question by outlining a conflict transformation approach developed by Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva (CPI), and in Samarra, Talafar, and Iraq as a whole, between 2018 and ...
Historically, discussions on cyber conflict have primarily centered on the involvement of state-sponsored or affiliated groups. Yet, the growing prominence of criminal actors – specifically, ...
Russia’s war in Ukraine has undoubtedly become the single most important conflict for understanding how drone warfare may take shape in the future. This research report identifies nine key takeaways ...
In France, Germany, and the UK, the authority responsible for the cyber defense of satellites depends on the nature of the targeted system. Cyber commands largely oversee the cyber defense of space ...
In der Vergangenheit konzentrierten sich die Diskussionen über Cyberkonflikte in erster Linie auf die Beteiligung von staatlich geförderten oder angeschlossenen Gruppen. Doch die wachsende Bedeutung ...
In Frankreich, Deutschland und dem Vereinigten Königreich hängt die für den Cyberschutz der Satelliten zuständige Behörde von der Art des betroffenen Systems ab. In den drei europäischen Ländern sind ...
Der vorliegende Bericht beantwortet diese Frage, indem er einen Ansatz zur Konflikttransformation skizziert, der vom Cordoba Peace Institute - Geneva (CPI) entwickelt wurde und zwischen 2018 und 2023 ...